nȝ delwsgriif || my website

helo, croiso ca nȝ delwsgriif. nk en sgriifu en slx e ȝogaag emca xi gwiba bet ni en dwede. emper nȝ delwsgriif,nk en posta erce peþ ni ðindu en naais nei dikorani. ne crei delwsgriff hŋ axa ni en aŋa ymarfa ef iaaþ hŋ. cinta nk en posta emper caania e cerkioriaþ wrþ Jack Stauber. ni gwna hŋ axa ti cerkoriaþ en eþe ôd e ni hoðaa axa ðer . priid nkam en gwna ðŋ, nk posta ranrwngdelwsgriif ca randelwsgriif ðer emper dee(bocs ca dee bocs hŋ).

Hello, welcome to my website. I am writing in Solxlanni and English so you understand what I'm saying. On my site, I will post about things that I find nice or intresting. I made this website because i need to practice with this language[solxlanni]. First I will post about Jack Staubers music and songs. I'm doing this because his music is quite odd, and I like it because of that. When i've done this I will post a hyperlink to that page, on the right(the box to the right of this one).
